What should a buyer of a used vehicle take into account before the purchase?
Ian_Gy3LH -
_Liz38324 -
_Liz38324 -
Jaysh -
With the vehicle market going crazy on used vehicles, some prices hike up according to the Well-Taken care elites on vehicles that are without the necessary leg and financial work.
On the test drives, let the vehicle idle enough so that you can push the car in a safer manner, and if it feels sluggish or the salesman advises you to take it easy, take it easy by looking into another vehicle or if you are willing to re-do the motor and other bits of the wear and tear, only then...by all means.
usd95kid_6SnjW Replied To Ian_Gy3LH
Ian_Gy3LH -
Also ensure that the vehicle is not a Code 3 before going any further.....You don't want to go all the way through the buying process only to find this out at the finish line.