Armouring Up with M5 Auto: Unveiling Unmatched Vehicle Protection

CarCific explores M5 Auto Armour's exceptional bulletproof vehicle options, showcasing Level B4 and Level B6 armor categories. Dive into the meticulous process of building these armored vehicles from scratch and discover how M5 ensures rigorous quality control and testing.

Written By Clifford Ogle | Published 14th Sep, 2023

Reading Time : 4 minutes

Exploring M5 Auto Armour’s Bulletproof Vehicle options in today’s world, safety on the roads has never been more critical. With incidents of hijacking and violent crimes on the rise, protecting yourself and your loved ones has become a top priority. CarCific recently delved into the world of vehicle armour after being impressed by M5 Auto’s display at the Festival of Motoring held at Kyalami. To gain deeper insights into the process and the intricacies of armouring a vehicle, we ventured to M5 Auto Armour’s Workshop on North Rand Road in Boksburg.

If you live on the East Rand, you’re likely familiar with M5 Auto’s showroom, showcasing a stunning range of exotic vehicles. However, the auto armouring segment operates as a distinct division, involving much more than the traditional new and pre-owned segments. Armoured cars here are essentially built from the ground up. Upon our arrival, we were welcomed by Jay Meyer, a true expert in the field of auto armour with decades of experience. He served as our knowledgeable guide in our quest to understand the world of “armouring up.”

One of the first lessons we learned inside their meticulously maintained workshop is that M5 offers two distinct categories of armour for clients seeking bullet-resistant vehicles, Level B4 and B6 Ballistic Protection.

B4 Ballistic Protection Vehicles:

The B4 Ballistic Protection vehicles are the entry-level option in the armoured vehicle market. They feature armoured doors, 17mm ballistic glass windows, and a rear panel of 3mm ballistic steel behind the rear seat. This configuration provides the driver with protection against bullets from a 9mm up to a .45 magnum handgun. However, there is a trade-off as only the front windows are operational, with limited opening of 200mm, which can present challenges in everyday activities like using a fast-food drive-through or passing through residential estate security checkpoints. Nevertheless, it adds an extra layer of safety in the face of the prevalent smash-and-grab threats we encounter daily.

B6 Ballistic Protection Vehicles:

For those seeking the utmost protection, the B6 Ballistic Protection vehicles offer 360-degree defense against attacks from firearms like AK47, R1, and R4 rifles. During the build process, the vehicle is completely stripped down to its shell and fitted with 16mm aramid composite panels. All the vehicle’s glass is replaced with 37mm thick ballistic glass, while the entire cabin is protected by 8mm ballistic steel, including all pillars (A, B, C) and the roof. Special attention is given to reinforcing or re-engineering joint areas to eliminate weak points in the finished product. Firewalls are constructed between the engine and cabin, and battery boxes are added to protect the vehicle’s battery. Every detail is meticulously covered.

What’s truly impressive is that these armoured vehicles are built from the ground up, with each model undergoing extensive design, research, and development before hitting the showroom floor. Each stage of the build follows specific timelines and undergoes rigorous quality control checks. Due to this meticulous process, a B6 vehicle’s construction can take up to three months before it’s ready for display. The added armour weight can range from 400 to 700 kilograms, necessitating careful consideration of suspension, brakes, vehicle performance, door actuators, and hinges. M5 Armour vehicles undergo continuous testing and refinement, ensuring that warranty specifications are upheld, even with new models or ranges being launched. While run-flat tires for a quick getaway are recommended, they are not compulsory in the build. However, given the level of protection these vehicles offer, fitting them is a wise choice.

If you’re in the market for a robust luxury SUV or bakkie with discreet yet powerful protection, M5 Armour Auto should be your destination. Choose from their readily available showroom range or place an order for a luxury vehicle tailored to your specific needs. Your safety and peace of mind are paramount, and M5 Armour delivers on both fronts.

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